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Erik Mynhier

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PCGameN Info |


05-26-2015, 09:43 PM

(This post was last modified: 05-26-2015, 09:44 PM by Erik Mynhier.)

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All the tank stuff is so sexy.

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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-26-2015, 10:26 PM

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I'm actually really surprised that THM isn't involved with DRK, considering involvement with MP and darker attributes. But eh, not surprising at the same time that it will draw actions from PLD/MRD I expected at least MRD.

Nohni Vhaze || Khad Dotharl

Erik Mynhier

Captain of the Red Wings
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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-26-2015, 11:08 PM

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(05-26-2015, 10:26 PM)Foxberry Wrote: I'm actually really surprised that THM isn't involved with DRK, considering involvement with MP and darker attributes. But eh, not surprising at the same time that it will draw actions from PLD/MRD I expected at least MRD.

IKR!!! I've been leveling THM because I thought I had to, reading that I didn't I converted my gear and chucked the soulstone into the river.

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The Red Wings
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~By Fire Reborn~
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(05-26-2015, 11:08 PM)Erik Mynhier Wrote: IKR!!! I've been leveling THM because I thought I had to, reading that I didn't I converted my gear and chucked the soulstone into the river.

D: Me too! I was leveling my to-be au ra as a THM. ._.;
Well at least I know now so sometime I guess I'll be a BLM... Time to go level MRD!
Still that sucks.

Nohni Vhaze || Khad Dotharl

Steel Wolf

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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-27-2015, 08:04 AM

(This post was last modified: 05-27-2015, 08:06 AM by Steel Wolf.)

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---The following is live reaction to the abilities---

"Living Dead" is probably one of the SINGLE. COOLEST. "Oh sh*t" buttons I have ever heard of in any MMO ever. So ready. SO. READY. GIMME! GIMME NAAAAAOOW!

Wow, okay, Monks get a Kamehameha attack. Awesome. And I just can't help but think that a certain burly buff Monk in these very forums is delighted about the Chakra stacks.

Interesting, so Fire/Blizz IV require the appropriate stance....so as I understand how high level BLM'ing operates, suddenly Transpose is back into the rotation? Or perhaps the IV's augment the standard rotation instead of being spammed while under Enochian. Lots of interesting possibilities here...*chinrub*

Wow, the turrets sound WAY cooler than I had expected. Switching them out based on need/situation is kind of amazing, if I'm honest. Really cool tactical twist.

I wonder if Aether stacks will outright replace Egis...like instead of summoning a full, huge critter the Summoner instead enters a trance state that will enable the Summoner to unleash new attacks based on whom they're invoking. Could open up the new Egis without making pets. But then why design a Glamour system? ...bah, I'm talking out my ass.

Depending on MP cost and cooldown, Assize will become the new Holy spam! XD

CNJ/THM side jobs for Astrologian, huh? Wasn't expecting that one...interesting. And FINALLY the whole cards drawing thing becomes a little more crystal to me, though the cooldowns on the skills that lets one change cards is a bit disappointing. Not sure I would want to play a character that is a slave to the RNG Daemons. Still...REAL interesting....


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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-27-2015, 08:26 AM

(This post was last modified: 05-27-2015, 08:36 AM by mongi291.)

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Quote:> Soul EaterÂ- HP Drain when under the effect of Dark Arts


EDIT: Nvm, I just realized it's a weaponskill and drains the target's HP. I thought it was the classical, suicidal Souleater.

Aduu Avagnar

Student of the Aetheric
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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-27-2015, 10:45 AM

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(05-26-2015, 10:26 PM)Foxberry Wrote: I'm actually really surprised that THM isn't involved with DRK, considering involvement with MP and darker attributes. But eh, not surprising at the same time that it will draw actions from PLD/MRD I expected at least MRD.

It makes zero sense to use THM from a mechanics standpoint. The only Cross Class skills of any use from it are to do with Cast times, and as a Melee class, especially as a tank, it is doubtful that it would use cast times.

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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-28-2015, 06:34 AM

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Btw Monk feels a bit overpowered. Tornado Kick, a 500 potency attack with a 60 seconds cooldown? Sure, it removes GL3, but considering Greased Lightning, Twin Snakes and Dragon Kick, which should be all up 100% of the time, and not even accounting for other buffs, it should be the strongest attack in the game. And I haven't even talked about Forbidden Chakra, 400 potency but doesn't drop GL3, and Elixir Drive, 300 AoE potency, doesn't remove GL3 either, and IT'S A f*ckING KAMEHAMEHA. I don't even like Dragon Ball but I'm hyped.

Kellach Woods

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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-28-2015, 06:45 AM

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The drawbacks will be in cooldowns most likely. I doubt you can spam those the way you can, say, Holy.

Main : Kellach WoodsÂ
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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-28-2015, 06:49 AM

(This post was last modified: 05-28-2015, 06:51 AM by Fox.)

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(05-27-2015, 10:45 AM)Nakoli Chalahko Wrote:
(05-26-2015, 10:26 PM)Foxberry Wrote: I'm actually really surprised that THM isn't involved with DRK, considering involvement with MP and darker attributes. But eh, not surprising at the same time that it will draw actions from PLD/MRD I expected at least MRD.
It makes zero sense to use THM from a mechanics standpoint. The only Cross Class skills of any use from it are to do with Cast times, and as a Melee class, especially as a tank, it is doubtful that it would use cast times.

Except in XI there was use of Black Magic with Dark Knights. The fact that they also were originally thought to heavily use MP, yes it makes sense to an extent. I'm not the only one who thought this. And I'm certainly not going to argue over it on forums as it was merely a hypothesis at the time.

Nohni Vhaze || Khad Dotharl


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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-28-2015, 06:54 AM

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(05-28-2015, 06:45 AM)Kellach Woods Wrote: The drawbacks will be in cooldowns most likely. I doubt you can spam those the way you can, say, Holy.

Well, it's likely for Forbidden Chakra and Elixir Drive. Tornado Kick is already confirmed as a 60 seconds CD though.
Anyway I realized we don't know SMN's Deathflare and BLM's Fire IV potency, and considering that they said SMN was getting some more burst damage, and BLM is all about burst damage, I think they'll be just as strong if not even stronger than Tornado Kick.

Aduu Avagnar

Student of the Aetheric
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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-28-2015, 08:31 AM

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(05-28-2015, 06:49 AM)Foxberry Wrote:
(05-27-2015, 10:45 AM)Nako Wrote:
(05-26-2015, 10:26 PM)Foxberry Wrote: I'm actually really surprised that THM isn't involved with DRK, considering involvement with MP and darker attributes. But eh, not surprising at the same time that it will draw actions from PLD/MRD I expected at least MRD.
It makes zero sense to use THM from a mechanics standpoint. The only Cross Class skills of any use from it are to do with Cast times, and as a Melee class, especially as a tank, it is doubtful that it would use cast times.

Except in XI there was use of Black Magic with Dark Knights. The fact that they also were originally thought to heavily use MP, yes it makes sense to an extent. I'm not the only one who thought this. And I'm certainly not going to argue over it on forums as it was merely a hypothesis at the time.

It's not an argument, merely a discussion....

and use mp isn't the same as cast a spell. Given that the XI sustem is seperate from XIV's distinct armoury system, it makes no sense withing XIV for it, despite it making some sense in XI

Aduu Avagnar, The Wanderer: Wiki


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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-28-2015, 06:44 PM

(This post was last modified: 05-28-2015, 06:55 PM by Fox.)

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(05-28-2015, 08:31 AM)Nakoli Chalahko Wrote: It's not an argument, merely a discussion....

and use mp isn't the same as cast a spell. Given that the XI sustem is seperate from XIV's distinct armoury system, it makes no sense withing XIV for it, despite it making some sense in XI

The argument/debate/discussion matters little to me because the end result is the same it's MRD/PLD and I'm fine with that. I just have no desire to discuss something that's already at an end point. I've also found myself uninterested in debates on these forums.

However I will say- to me, it does make sense because PLD has the CNJ cross over and they have capabilities to use Cure. Granted most every class does. Though SE could have chosen to use Scathe for example or other THM abilities such as Blizzard. But they have not chosen to do this, so it is moot point.

It does make sense to me in that case. WHM/CNJ used to be able to use some damaging abilities besides Blizzard II as well. I forget which it was right off hand. But regardless of that; WHM/CNJ can use Blizz II. Either way, it was pure speculation. It was also my opinion and was plausible in that sense.

In any case I'm done discussing it because I do not wish to derail Erik's thread further and it doesn't matter as they've decided to go with MRD/PLD and as I've said I am just fine with it.

Nohni Vhaze || Khad Dotharl


hue hue heaume
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RE: PCGameN Info |


05-28-2015, 06:57 PM

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So ready for DRK. And by the sounds of things, it looks as though I won't be completely Abandoning (huehue) WAR any time soon, because the new stance and added complexity sounds like music to my ears.

Also, jeez, finally reason for PLDs to use that Riot Blade combo. :S

Yvelont Navarre
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