[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (2024)

Even though League of Legends is a team-based game, we’ve all had times where we cannot count on our teammates. In those cases, split pushers will help you have more agency in the game. They often work alone to try and push a side lane, or to distract the enemy team away from your allies. They do not necessarily push all the way to the enemy’s base. Sometimes, they are just crashing the wave before helping their team. In this article, we will explore the best split pushers for you to take the game into your own hands.

10. Tristana

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (1)

Tristana, the Yordle Gunner

Tristana Beginners Guide Season 13

Starting the list at 10th place is Tristana. She used to be played in Bot lane. However, she is better in Mid lane now. She is a good AD carry as she has both burst and sustained damage. She can also farm safely while being aggressive in lane.

Unfortunately, Patch 13.20 introduced some snowballing adjustments that negatively affected Tristana. Her effectiveness is reduced since she does not create as big of a lead as before with her early game pressure.

Why Tristana is Good for Split Pushing:

  • Her Q ability: Rapid Fire increases her attack speed briefly, allowing her to destroy turrets quickly.
  • Her E ability: Explosive Charge can be used on turrets. It will explode after a short duration, dealing extra damage. Tristana’s attacks will cause the bomb to deal even more damage on explosion, enhancing her pushing prowess.
  • Her ability to escape: When the enemy team comes to deal with Tristana, she can easily get away with her W ability, Rocket Jump, and her ultimate ability, Buster Shot. She can escape by jumping away and knocking enemies back. This is important since split pushers do not usually have their team to support them directly.

Pick Tristana if:

  • The enemy laner has a weak early game: Tristana can be a lane bully in the early game, making her good against champions like Kassadin.
  • Your team has another strong marksman: Make sure that your team has consistent AD damage in team fights before you split push as Tristana. Otherwise, your team might lose pressure on the map and you will not be able to push freely.
  • Your team has sufficient crowd control (CC): Tristana lacks any hard CC of her own. It is best for your team to have some CC to shut down any fed opponents before they can deal damage. This will enable you to make plays safely.

9. Sion

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (4)

Sion, the Undead Juggernaut


Next, we have Sion. He is notorious for his passive, Glory in Death. After dying, he revives and is able to attack until his health fully decays. During that time, he has increased attack speed and his attacks heal him, dealing more damage based on the enemy’s maximum health.

Sion’s playstyle could involve dying a lot and this might not be everyone’s cup of tea. You will need to have a good understanding of when to die. Otherwise, you might just end up feeding.

Why Sion is Good for Split Pushing:

  • His passive ability: As mentioned, after dying, Sion is still able to attack enemies and turrets. He does not need to worry about the enemy team since he can keep fighting after death. He can even kill one or two opponents because of his increased damage output. This buys more time for your team to take objectives on the other side of the map.
  • His ultimate ability: In the late game, dying is usually a bad thing because of the long respawn timers, even for Sion. Unstoppable Onslaught allows him to charge away quickly in order to escape dangerous situations.
  • His mix of tankiness and damage: Even when building tank items, Sion does considerable amounts of damage. He is thus able to take on multiple enemies at once. This is great for split pushers because enemy teams could send more than one person to deal with them.

Pick Sion if:

  • Your team lacks a front line: Even if you are split pushing, you should always consider your team composition. If your team has no tank, Sion could be a good option to soak up damage when needed.
  • You like to engage in team fights: After crashing a wave, the enemy has to deal with the minions that have been pushed in. During this time, Sion is perfect for forcing a 4v5. Charge in with your ultimate and watch the enemy team fall!
  • The enemy team cannot deal with tanks: If the enemy team lacks damage based on maximum health, it will have a hard time dealing with Sion.

8. Tryndamere

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (7)

Tryndamere, the Barbarian King

S13 Tryndamere TOP Gameplay Guide

Everyone fears Tryndamere for his ultimate ability, Undying Rage, where he becomes unkillable and gains fury stacks. There is nothing the enemy can do but run away or try to hang on until the timer runs out. Even though it only lasts for 5 seconds, it can feel like an eternity.

Although he sounds scary, the popularity of tankier champions in the Top lane right now makes Tryndamere less potent. He is reliant on his ultimate as he deals more damage when low on health. However, he has a hard time killing tanks before the 5 seconds are up.

Why Tryndamere is Good for Split Pushing:

  • His ultimate ability: As mentioned before, Tryndamere can become unkillable, making him a formidable duelist. He can single-handedly turn fights around when the enemy team comes to deal with him.
  • His E ability: Spinning Slash allows him to dash to a location, dealing damage to enemies hit and generating fury stacks. He can also reduce its cooldown when landing critical strikes. This allows him to split push safely, annoying the enemies as he escapes swiftly whenever they arrive.
  • His Q ability: Bloodlust allows Tryndamere to convert his fury stacks to health. This sustain allows him to split push safely even after a fight, since he will not be pressured to go back to base and heal up.

Pick Tryndamere if:

  • The enemy team lacks a good frontline: Tryndamere excels in bursting squishy champions due to his high critical strike chance. Tanks, however, pose a challenge to him.
  • The enemy team lacks hard CC: When Tryndamere uses his ultimate ability, he only has a 5-second window to fight or escape. Teams that can CC him during that time are a huge counter to him.
  • Your team already has a tank: If your team requires some front line, Tryndamere might not be a good pick. Having a tank will allow you to take riskier duels by yourself without worrying about your team.

7. Gwen

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (10)

Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress

Gwen OTP has had enough and becomes a filthy splitpusher

Gwen, a relatively newer champion, comes in at 7th place. She is a melee AP champion who is also one of the few champions that deal true damage. She is also fairly easy to pick up so newer players do not need to spend so much time learning how to play her.

Gwen has good scaling, allowing her to do well in the mid and late game. However, even though she is a melee champion, she is relatively squishy. You need to be careful when playing her or you will die quickly.

Why Gwen is Good for Split Pushing:

  • Her E ability: Skip ‘N Slash allows Gwen to dash to a location, gaining more damage, attack speed, and range. This lets her cut down turrets with ease. She can also reduce its cooldown by auto attacking within 4 seconds, enabling her to be highly mobile.
  • Her W ability: Hallowed Mist grants her extra resistances and makes her untargetable to enemies outside of it. This makes her an excellent duelist as she becomes deceptively durable. She also forces ranged champions to get close to her or run away, forcing the fight into her favour.
  • Her passive: Gwen is able to heal herself when she deals damage to enemies because of Thousand Cuts. This makes her amazing at longer duels as she will have better and more consistent innate sustain than others.

Pick Gwen if:

  • The enemy team has many tanks: True damage ignores any resistances the opponent has. Since Gwen has both true damage and maximum health damage, she is able to melt tanks.
  • The enemy laner is not a lane bully: Gwen is more squishy than the typical melee champion. She will have a hard time if the enemy laner puts a lot of pressure on her because of the long cooldown of her W ability.
  • Your team already has a tank: This is especially important for Gwen since she is, as mentioned, on the squishy side. Other melee champions could be tanky enough to get away with missing a tank. However, Gwen would not be able to survive for long enough.

6. Jax

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (13)

Jax, Grandmaster at Arms

Rank 1 Jax: This 2000LP Jax is a BEAST!

Following that, 6th place goes to Jax. He deals both magic and physical damage, making him annoying to itemise against. He gets scarier as the game goes on. Imagine if he had a real weapon!

Although he is well-known for being a good split pusher, he also has his own share of weaknesses. He has really bad match-ups, especially against some of the other champions on this list. This makes it extremely difficult for him to play against them.

Why Jax is Good for Split Pushing:

  • His passive: Relentless Assault gives Jax stacking attack speed of up to eight times, enabling him to destroy turrets fast.
  • His innate ultimate ability: Grandmaster-At-Arms empowers every third of Jax’s auto attacks, dealing extra magic damage. This even works on turrets.
  • His active ultimate ability: When Jax uses it, he gains bonus resistances. His empowered auto attack comes every two attacks instead of three. This makes him an incredible duelist, who is tanky and deals a lot of damage.

Pick Jax if:

  • The enemy team relies on auto attacks: Jax’s E ability, Counter Strike, causes him to be immune to all auto attacks. He can recast the ability to deal damage and stun opponents. He effectively renders champions who rely on auto attacks useless.
  • The enemy team lacks hard CC: Although his E ability counters auto attacks, he is still vulnerable to CC. He becomes extremely weak if he is unable to get on top of the opponents.
  • The enemy team does not have many long-ranged champions: These champions can harass Jax from afar with their abilities. He would be too low to engage and will have to back off.

5. Illaoi

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (16)

Illaoi, the Kraken Priestess

S13 Illaoi TOP Gameplay Guide

Starting the top half of the list, we have Illaoi. Even though her ability to destroy turrets might not be as potent, she is known for being a 1v5 raid boss because of the strength of her tentacles. In particular, she is very strong when fighting in tight areas. She is able to deal good damage to one, or even multiple enemies at once.

Melee top laners are strong right now, which is good for Illaoi, since her weaker match-ups are against ranged laners. She does not really suffer against most melee champions and she can be quite oppressive in lane.

Why Illaoi is Good for Split Pushing:

  • Her ultimate ability: Leap of Faith causes Illaoi to deal damage to nearby enemies, producing a tentacle for each enemy hit. This makes Illaoi an incredible duelist because she does not need to worry about fighting multiple people by herself.
  • Her E ability: Test of Spirit will pull the spirit of the enemy champion out. Illaoi and her allies can attack the spirit, dealing damage to the enemy. If the enemy leaves its range or the spirit dies, tentacles will spawn periodically around that opponent. Getting hit by this will chunk the enemy’s health considerably, forcing them to recall while Illaoi continues to push.
  • Her sustain: When enemies are hit by her tentacles, Illaoi gets healed for a percentage of her missing health. This lets her stay in lane longer, and healthy enough not to worry about enemies fighting her.

Pick Illaoi if:

  • The enemy team lacks mobility: Illaoi does not have any movement abilities and is quite slow. If the opponents have many dashes, she will have a hard time catching up.
  • The enemy team lacks hard CC: If Illaoi is constantly CC’d, she will be unable to have access to her tentacles’ healing since they have to hit the enemies first.
  • The enemy team does not have many long-ranged champions: These champions will poke Illaoi out before she is able to engage. If she is too low by the time she tries to fight, her passive healing may not be enough to keep her alive.

4. Garen

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (19)

Garen, the Might of Demacia

How to Play Garen & Carry For Beginners - Garen Guide

Garen is an easy AD champion for beginners to pick up. He is also quite strong right now. He usually goes for a bruiser build, but you can even choose to spin to win and go full damage.

Even with nerfs to Phase Rush, Garen is still extremely powerful. He can weave in and out when going for trades against his laner. He was even picked in professional tournaments despite his simple kit.

Why Garen is Good for Split Pushing:

  • His passive: Perseverance allows Garen to regenerate health quickly after eight seconds of not taking damage. This allows Garen to stay in lane after a fight and continue pushing, without worrying about dying.
  • His Q ability: Decisive Strike empowers Garen’s next auto attack, dealing more damage and silencing the target. Aside from enhancing his duelling strength, it also helps Garen deal more damage to turrets. The ability also cleanses slowing effects and speeds him up, allowing him to escape when necessary.
  • His ultimate ability: Demacian Justice deals true damage to an enemy, increasing based on the target’s missing health. This pseudo-execution ability makes Garen scary to fight as enemies have to be extra careful about their health bars.

Pick Garen if:

  • The enemy lacks mobility: Garen’s only tool for engaging is his Q ability. If the enemy dashes over the wall, it is hard for him to chase them.
  • Your team needs someone to soak up damage: Although Garen is not a tank, he is quite durable. His W, Courage, allows him to gain resistances upon killing an enemy. When activating it, he takes reduced damage, gains tenacity, and shields himself.
  • You want to have early game agency: With Phase Rush, Garen can trade with the enemy laner safely. It is hard for them to win a trade when he has his Q ability. He can also look for more kill opportunities once he has his ultimate up.

3. Nasus

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (22)

Nasus, the Curator of the Sands


Another easy AD champion to play is Nasus. He is known for his Q ability: Syphoning Strike. His next auto attack is enhanced, dealing extra physical damage. If it kills the target, Nasus gains stacks which increase his physical damage even further.

Patch 13.20 made it harder for teams to snowball, allowing Nasus to reach his full potential in the late game more easily. Although he still needs to worry about the early game, he will not be that far behind if it does not go too well.

Why Nasus is Good for Split Pushing:

  • His Q ability: As the game goes on, Nasus will deal more and more damage to turrets and enemies alike.
  • His ultimate ability: Fury of the Sands gives him bonus health, resistances, size, and range. He can fight whoever that comes to challenge him, potentially holding his own against two to three opponents at once.
  • His passive: Soul Eater gives Nasus life steal, providing him with the sustainability that is essential for split pushers.

Pick Nasus if:

  • The enemy team is immobile: Dashes are a huge counter to Nasus as he has a hard time catching up. The enemies can kite him out by staying away from his effective range.
  • The enemy team relies on auto attacks: His W, Wither, slows and reduces the target’s attack speed. It will be hard for them to deal damage to Nasus or escape, allowing him to walk over them.
  • The enemy laner is not a lane bully: Lane bullies, like Darius, can prevent Nasus from getting stacks in the early game. Even if they do not kill Nasus, they will try to zone him away from the minions.

2. Fiora

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (25)

Fiora, the Grand Duelist


In second place, we have Fiora. As her title suggests, she is one of the best duelists in the game thanks to her passive: Duelist’s Dance. It causes vitals to appear on the enemy champions near her. Dealing damage in the vitals’ direction triggers them, dealing true damage, healing Fiora, and giving her movement speed.

She is one of the harder champions to master. However, if you take the time to learn how to play her well, she will be extremely powerful. She only has a few bad match-ups, such as Poppy, and can win against most laners.

Why Fiora is Good for Split Pushing:

  • Her W ability: Riposte causes Fiora to be briefly immune to damage and CC. If she manages to negate CC, not only will she deal damage, she will also stun the enemy. This defensive ability allows her to outplay enemies in a duel, making her hard to fight.
  • Her E ability: Bladework empowers her next two auto attacks within four seconds, gaining range and attack speed. The first attack slows while the other will critically strike. This even works on turrets, helping her destroy them quickly.
  • Her R ability: Grand Challenge causes four vitals to appear on the target and gives Fiora movement speed when near them. If the target dies or all vitals are activated, a healing zone will form. With this, Fiora is able to deal more damage to the opponent while healing up to fight again.

Pick Fiora if:

  • You want to play a mobile champion: Her Q ability, Lunge, allows her to dash a short distance. If it hits an enemy, its cooldown is reduced, allowing her to dash around constantly. This ability even does damage to turrets.
  • The enemy team has many tanks: If Fiora activates the vitals on an enemy, she will deal bonus true damage based on the target’s maximum health. Thus, she can easily shred tanks.
  • You want to fight constantly: Fiora’s duelling ability is strong in every stage of the game, especially when she has her ultimate ability. If you want a champion that involves a lot of action, she is the pick for you.

1. Camille

[Top 10] LOL Best Split Pushers (28)

Camille, the Steel Shadow


The number one pick on this list is Camille. She is one of the strongest top lane picks at the moment. Her passive, Adaptive Defences, causes her next auto attack to give her a shield against physical or magic damage, depending on the type of damage the target does. This makes her a versatile pick, standing out from the rest of the champions.

Of course, like any other champion, Camille also has unfavourable match-ups. However, as long as she does not die a lot in the early game, she will be able to overpower them after getting her core items.

Why Camille is Good for Split Pushing:

  • Her Q ability: Precision Protocol empowers her next auto attack to deal more damage and give her movement speed. However, after 0.25 seconds, Camille can choose to cast the ability again instead, causing the bonus damage to be doubled and dealt as true damage. This works on turrets, enhancing her pushing capabilities.
  • Her E ability: Upon cast, Hookshot launches a grappling hook. If it hits terrain, Camille will dash to it. She can then dash again, dealing damage to the enemy hit, stunning them, and giving her attack speed. She can use this to engage or escape as she pleases, depending on the situation she is in.
  • Her R ability: The Hextech Ultimatum causes Camille to leap onto the enemy, creating a zone where opponents nearby are pushed away and the target cannot escape. Her auto attacks will deal extra damage. This ability makes her a powerful duelist as it is difficult for the enemy team to help the target.

Pick Camille if:

  • The enemy team has many tanks: With the true damage from her Q ability, Camille is able to deal with tank champions. She can also outheal the damage she takes from them.
  • You are not so confident in winning your lane: Camille is strong throughout the game. However, if you are not sure about winning early, as long as you are even or just slightly behind the enemy laner, you will still come out ahead. Her scaling is really strong and she will deal more and more damage as the game goes on.
  • Whenever you can: Pick Camille whenever she is not banned! Even when she is against bad match-ups, like Vayne, you just need to play safely until you reach your item power spikes. You will be able to 1v1 anyone after that.

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