Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (2024)

Forget clunky forms and generic questions. The future of surveys is here, powered by AI!

In the ever-evolving landscape of data collection and analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer for survey tools. These innovative technologies are reshaping the way we gather and interpret information, providing unprecedented insights and efficiency.

AI-driven solutions enable businesses to collect customer insights faster by processing and analyzing vast amounts of data in real-time. Natural language processing (NLP) can quickly analyze open-ended responses for sentiment and key themes, while machine learning models predict future customer behavior. Automated survey distribution ensures optimal timing and audience targeting, increasing response rates and data quality.

In this article, we will explore the best AI survey tools, highlighting their standout features, pros and cons, ideal use cases, and pricing. This guide will help you choose the right AI survey tool for your needs. Without further ado, let's get started!


  • Ditch boring surveys, embrace AI magic! Use AI survey software to create stunning surveys that are fit for each use case and industry.
  • We have shortlisted the tools based on their AI features, the technology powering them, their standout features, pros and cons, their ideal use case, and pricing.
  • Our list of top AI survey tools includes names like Zonka Feedback, QuestionPro, Typeform, Qualtrics, Fillout, and many more.
  • Zonka Feedback uses the power of Artificial Intelligence to deliver smart analysis from text responses. This survey maker offers smart text analysis, sentiment analysis, decoding intent, and much more. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial or schedule a demo to learn more about it.

Get a Better Understanding of Customer Feedback with AI Surveys & Analytics

With AI survey tools, create surveys in seconds and use artificial intelligence to decode insights from the data collected.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (1)

Best AI Tools for Survey Analysis at a Glance

AI Survey ToolStandout AI FeatureFree VersionStarting Price (Per Month)
Zonka FeedbackEmotionally Intelligent Insights and Self-Learning AI✔️$49
TypeformIntuitive Survey Creation✔️$25
QuestionProResearch through Multilingual Surveys✔️$99
FilloutAI-powered Survey Optimization✔️$15
SurveySparrowCogniVue, AI-powered Data Analysis$19
SurveyMonkeyOpenAI's GPT technology for Surveys✔️$25
Poll The PeopleiQ™ - Built-in Survey Intelligence✔️$50
QualtricsDeep Customer ProfilesNo information
FormstackPersonalized Paths and NLP$50
QualarooWording Optimization & Bias Detection✔️$19.99

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smarter Survey Creation & Analysis

Surveys have always been an essential tool for businesses to gather valuable feedback from their customers. With the help of AI-powered survey tools, this process has become even more efficient and insightful.

Let us explore the top 10 AI survey tools that can revolutionize the way you create and analyze surveys.

1. Zonka Feedback

Zonka Feedback goes beyond traditional survey tools. It's an AI-powered conversation hub that transforms how you capture, analyze, and act on customer insights. Creating a survey is effortless—just tell its AI what you want to measure, and it will generate a relevant survey for you, saving valuable time and effort.

Leveraging its advanced AI, Zonka Feedback delves deeper than surface responses. It deciphers sentiment and intent, uncovering the moods and emotional subtext within your customer feedback. This allows for a richer understanding of your customer experience and the "why" behind their responses.

Zonka Feedback's AI also acts as a powerful discovery tool. By identifying recurring themes and automatically classifying feedback, it uncovers hidden patterns within your data. Imagine reports that showcase not just keywords and sentiment summaries, but also trends, common emotions, and key drivers – all presented in clear snapshots and visualizations like text clouds and response intent breakdowns.

To further streamline your analysis, it offers smart summaries that prioritize urgent feedback and condense insights into actionable takeaways. You can also effortlessly pinpoint and categorize key details like product names and locations from your feedback.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (2)

Standout AI Feature

  • Emotionally Intelligent Insights: Go beyond basic sentiment analysis to understand the full spectrum of customer emotions in their feedback with this sentiment analysis tool, revealing true satisfaction levels and driving targeted action. (Highlights the unique depth of emotion detection)
  • Dynamically Evolving Model: Customize models for specific industries and use cases, then watch them learn and adapt as new data flows in, ensuring constant relevance and accuracy. (Emphasizes the adaptable and AI-powered nature of the models)
  • Actionable Intelligence at Your Fingertips: Uncover key drivers of customer sentiment, predict future trends, and get personalized recommendations for improvement – all presented in clear, actionable reports and dashboards. (Focuses on the practical benefits and ease of use for informed decision-making)
Zonka Feedback Pros
  • Comprehensive AI survey tool at an affordable price point

  • All-in-one solution: creation, smart summaries, sentiment analysis, emotion detection, urgency tracking, highlights, and complete AI feedback analysis

  • Extensive customization

  • Responsive customer support

  • Fits all business sizes

Ideal for

Businesses across all sizes and industry verticals looking to offer a more customer-centric experience can benefit from the AI-powered analysis that Zonka Feedback offers


Starts at $49/month, with a free version and a free trial of the paid version available

2. Typeform

Typeform revolutionizes the simplicity of creating surveys with its AI-powered features. It enables businesses to seamlessly improve their forms. Its AI feature refines language in real-time, incorporates design elements from the website to maintain brand consistency, and suggests survey questions based on specific insights requirements.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (3)

Standout AI Feature

  • Intuitive Survey Creation with Visually Appealing Design: AI simplifies the process of survey creation by combining striking visual elements allowing for quick and easy survey design.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Enhances the quality of open-ended responses by understanding and categorizing them.
  • Predictive Analysis: Anticipates respondent needs and adjusts questions to improve data quality.
  • Engagement Insights: Provides AI-driven insights on how to increase respondent participation and completion rates.
Typeform Pros
  • User-friendly interface

  • Intuitive AI-driven survey creation
  • Personalized question recommendations
  • Automated survey optimization based on responses
  • Smart logic and branching for dynamic surveys
Typeform Cons
  • AI-generated surveys may lack the customization options of manual creation
  • AI can sometimes struggle with highly specialized surveys
  • There's a possibility of AI misinterpreting your intent or generating irrelevant questions
Ideal for

Creating visually appealing and interactive surveys for a positive respondent experience


A free version is available, with paid plans starting at $25/month

3. QuestionPro

QuestionPro AI, QxBot, is a powerful AI tool that helps businesses create their feedback forms and surveys in seconds. This AI survey tool uses generative AI to create surveys in a conversational tone. Using its proprietary generative AI gives QuestionPro the ability to make the survey generation more intelligent. It also offers AI text analysis tools to decipher emotions and fetch valuable insights from customer feedback from answers received in open-ended survey questions.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (4)

Standout AI Feature

  • Research through Multilingual Surveys: Ability to research and create multilingual surveys on all kinds of topics without any limitations in different languages using AI.
  • Smart Question Generation: Simply provide a topic and QxBot uses its AI capabilities to suggest relevant questions, saving you time and effort.
  • Adaptive Survey Flow: QxBot goes beyond basic question generation. It can tailor the question types and logic jumps based on your conversation, creating a more engaging and dynamic survey experience for respondents.
QuestionPro Pros
  • Conversational chat-like interface

  • Question generation via QxBot that saves you time
  • Survey customization with various question types and logic jumps
  • Continuous learning of QxBot based on interactions and improved question suggestions
QuestionPro Cons
  • QxBot's suggestions need your oversight to align with your goals.
  • The AI suggestion quality depends on its training data, possibly limiting specific industries or topics
Ideal for

Quick research studies on any demographic with a single topic description


A free version is available, with paid plans starting at $99/month

4. Fillout

Fillout not only uses AI to create survey questions but also creates introductions for them. It suggests complete forms and surveys using ChatGPT based on any description or survey/form imports. The better the prompt it gets, the more specific survey questions and introductions it’s going to create. It lets the users customize survey wording and do much more to personalize the AI surveys. To make the most of Fillout, keeping abreast of ChatGPT updates is essential, as these enhancements can significantly improve the specificity and relevance of the surveys generated.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (5)

Standout AI Feature

  • AI-powered Survey Optimization: Fillout's AI goes beyond initial creation. It can analyze your existing surveys and suggest edits or improvements for better clarity, flow, and effectiveness. This allows you to easily optimize your surveys and ensure they gather the most valuable data.
  • Prompt-Based Specificity: The quality of Fillout's AI-generated surveys improves with better prompts. The more specific and detailed your description, the more relevant and targeted the questions and introductions will be.
  • Customizable Wording & Personalization: Fillout empowers you to fine-tune the AI-generated surveys. You can customize the wording of questions to perfectly match your brand voice and personalize the content for a more engaging respondent experience.
Fillout Pros
  • Fast survey creation with AI

  • Detailed prompts get you more relevant and targeted content
  • Personalization and customization to match your brand voice
  • AI-powered optimization

Fillout Cons
  • Heavy reliance on user prompts
  • Limited control over the initial AI-generated survey, requiring more editing
  • Emerging technology with uncertain long-term functionality and reliability
Ideal for

Individuals and small businesses looking for a straightforward tool to create professional surveys with AI


A free version is available, with paid plans starting at $15/month

5. SurveySparrow

SurveySparrow's AI Survey feature revolutionizes feedback collection and the process of creating surveys. Generating surveys in seconds, this tool simplifies the process for businesses. This customer experience tool creates surveys (with 10 questions max) automatically based on the prompts it receives. Combined with the power of automation, SurveySarrow allows you to create surveys that garner a higher response rate and ensure unbiased feedback collection.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (6)

Standout AI Feature

  • AI Survey Builder: SurveySparrow offers an AI-powered survey builder that streamlines the creation process. Simply enter a prompt describing your survey goals, and the AI suggests relevant questions, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Smart Skip Logic: Leverage AI to create dynamic skip logic within your surveys. Respondents only see questions relevant to their previous answers, leading to a more personalized and efficient experience. They won't have to answer irrelevant questions, increasing completion rates.
  • CogniVue - AI-powered Data Analysis: SurveySparrow goes beyond basic data collection. CogniVue, its AI analyst tool, dives deeper into your survey results. It can identify customer sentiment, uncover key drivers behind metrics, and offer industry-specific insights.
SurveySparrow Pros
  • Faster survey creation and question suggestions based on your goals

  • Smart skip logic ensures respondents only see relevant questions
  • Deeper data insights with CogniVue, SurveySparrow's AI analysis tool
SurveySparrow Cons
  • Heavy reliance on user prompts
  • AI-generated surveys might require more editing
  • CogniVue might not be transparent about how it arrives at its conclusions
Ideal for

Businesses looking to collect customer feedback, perform quick market research, or simply engage employees


Paid plans start at $19/month with no free plan available

6. SurveyMonkey

Powered with OpenAI, SurveyMonkey Genius is one of the first AI survey tools that used artificial Intelligence to create surveys, gather responses, and analyze the data received. With SurveyMonkey’s ‘Build with AI’, one can create surveys tailored to everyone’s unique needs. It combines the power of AI with machine learning to automate question-and-answer suggestions, offer survey scores, get a quick analysis of the response quality, and assess the sentiments of your customers with sentiment analysis.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (7)

Standout AI Feature

  • Build with AI: This feature utilizes OpenAI's GPT technology to draft surveys in as little as 30 seconds. You simply provide a prompt describing your survey goals, and the AI generates a starting point with relevant questions saving time and effort.
  • AI-powered Feedback Analysis: SurveyMonkey can analyze open-ended responses using AI to categorize sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) and identify keywords or themes. This helps you gain a quicker understanding of the overall tone and key takeaways from your text data.
  • Smart Question Branching: SurveyMonkey offers some basic question branching logic based on previous answers. While not the most advanced AI feature, it allows for a slightly more personalized survey flow for respondents.
SurveyMonkey Pros
  • Smart question recommendations
  • Automated response analysis
  • Sentiment analysis for open-ended responses
  • Intelligent survey optimization
  • Customizable AI templates
SurveyMonkey Cons
  • Less advanced AI features compared to dedicated tools
  • AI-generated surveys might require more editing for specific needs
  • Limited customization options for question branching logic
Ideal for

This survey platform is ideal for those who want to eliminate confusion from the survey creation process


A free version is available, with paid plans starting at $25/user/month

7. Poll The People

Poll The People is an AI-driven survey tool that makes it quick and easy for businesses to gather valuable insights from customers. It is powered by OpenAI which enables it to deliver a better experience throughout the survey creation process as well as data analysis. This makes it a powerful tool for businesses seeking actionable customer feedback to drive growth. It uses AI to guide survey creation, analyze data in real-time, target specific audiences, and uncover hidden patterns in feedback.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (8)

Standout AI Feature

  • iQ™ - Built-in Survey Intelligence: iQ analyzes every aspect of your survey, offering suggestions for wording improvements, identifying potential biases, and optimizing the survey for maximum response rates.
  • Text iQ - Deep Text Analysis: The Text iQ utilizes OpenAI's text analysis capabilities to delve deeper into open-ended responses. It can extract sentiment analysis, identify keywords and entities, and uncover hidden themes within the data.
  • Predictive Actionable Insights: While many AI survey tools offer analysis, Poll the People's iQ takes it a step further by predicting future trends and recommends specific actions you can take based on your survey goals.
Poll The People Pros
  • AI-driven survey creation
  • Real-time response analysis
  • User-friendly interface
  • Smart question recommendations
  • Automated insights and reports
Poll The People Cons
  • May require initial setup and learning
  • Some AI capabilities can be expensive
  • Integration options could be expanded
Ideal for

Businesses, marketing teams, and product managers seeking to improve customer experience, gather in-depth feedback, and obtain real-time user insights for development decisions


A free version is available, with paid plans starting at $50/month

8. Qualtrics

Qualtrics stands above the rest as an AI-powered survey platform, empowering businesses to transform customer feedback into actionable insights. From the moment you design your survey to understanding nuanced emotions in responses, Qualtrics elevates every step with its cutting-edge AI. Its predictive analytics modeling allows businesses to identify trends and make decisions.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (9)

Standout AI Feature

  • Deep Customer Profiles: Goes beyond demographics. Analyzes responses, comments,and even answer times to create unique customer experience profiles based on individual customer journeys and tailor interactions for better impact.
  • Uncover & Act on Insights: AI automatically finds hidden patterns and trends in your survey data. Identifies anomalies for further investigation.
  • Propensity Modeling & Actionable Advice: Predicts which customers are likely to take specific actions (e.g., churn, purchase). Based on these predictions, Qualtrics suggests tailored actions you can take to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Qualtrics Pros
  • Understands individual customer journeys with AI-powered analysis
  • Uncovers hidden patterns and predicts customer behavior with AI
  • AI-driven sentiment analysis for open-ended responses
  • Intelligent survey logic and branching
  • Automated report generation with AI insights
Qualtrics Cons
  • Expensive for smaller businesses
  • Reliance on AI analysis with potentially limited customization options
  • Requires expertise to fully leverage AI functionalities
Ideal for

Businesses, marketing teams, CX teams, and others make the most of customer, user, or employee feedback and deliver an exceptional customer experience


Contact their team to get pricing information

9. Formstack

Formstack's intelligence goes beyond integrations. Utilize dynamic conditional logic to deliver personalized form experiences, ensuring you capture the most relevant and accurate data from every interaction. Real-time reporting and analytics put meaningful insights at your fingertips, empowering data-driven decision-making and continuous improvement.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (10)

Standout AI Feature

  • Personalized Paths: Forget basic branching, Formstack uses AI to analyze responses in real-time, adapting the question flow for each person. They only see relevant questions, making surveys more engaging and personal.

  • AI Analyzes Open-Ended Questions: No need for manual coding! Formstack's NLP automatically extracts key themes, categorizes sentiment, and identifies keywords from open-ended answers. Gain richer insights from your text data with ease.

  • AI Makes Data Shine: Formstack's AI automatically generates data visualizations that perfectly represent your survey results. You can understand complex data sets at a glance and share insights with stakeholders effortlessly.

Formstack Pros
  • AI-powered form creation for quick and easy setup
  • Smart form logic and conditional branching for dynamic forms
  • Automated data analysis for faster insights
  • AI-driven insights and recommendations for form optimization
Formstack Cons
  • Advanced AI features may require higher-tier plans
  • Learning curve for leveraging complex AI functionalities
  • Integration options could be more extensive
Ideal for

Whether you're capturing customer feedback, managing internal workflows, or analyzing complex data, Formstack's AI-powered features put you in control


Starts at $50/month with no free plan

10. Qualaroo (Acquired By ProProfs)

Qualaroo stands out with its ability to collect emotional as well as contextual customer insights from the feedback received. It is ingrained with the power of IBM Watson to perform in-depth sentiment analytics and extract their sentiments from answers given to open-ended questions. Its AI feature in surveys eliminates the need for any other software to manually process data and eases the feedback analysis and mining process.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (11)

Standout AI Feature

  • Wording Optimization & Bias Detection: Qualaroo analyzes your survey questions and identifies areas for improvement. It suggests changes to wording to ensure clarity and neutrality, minimizing bias that could skew your results.

  • Maximized Response Rates: Qualaroo uses AI to predict how well your survey will perform. It analyzes elements like question structure and length, suggesting optimizations to maximize response rates. This helps you gather the most valuable data possible.

  • OpenAI Text Analysis: In addition to survey optimization, Qualaroo integrates OpenAI for advanced text analysis of open-ended responses. This allows you to extract key themes and sentiment, gaining deeper insights from your text data.

Qualaroo Pros
  • AI-driven survey creation for quick setup
  • Smart targeting and personalization for tailored surveys
  • Real-time feedback analysis for immediate insights
  • AI-powered sentiment analysis for deeper understanding
  • Automated reporting with AI-generated insights
Qualaroo Cons
  • Learning curve for utilizing complex AI functionalities
  • Requires continuous monitoring and adjustment for optimal results
  • Integration options could be more extensive
Ideal for

Creating automatic surveys to collect targeted feedback and get a deeper understanding of the responses


A free version is available with paid plans starting at $19.99/month


With this list of AI-powered survey tools, it's clear that the future of data collection is anything but ordinary. We've explored a diverse landscape, from emotionally intelligent insights to AI-crafted questions that personalize every interaction.

The power of these AI tools for survey analysis lies in their ability to unlock hidden gems within customer feedback, transforming data into actionable intelligence that fuels growth and innovation.

With Zonka Feedback, you can easily create surveys and get smarter analyses that detect emotions and predict trends. If you are looking to get deep customer understanding, this is the tool to choose.

You can sign up for free for a 14-day free trial or schedule a demo to understand its AI features and start creating surveys.

Top 10 AI Survey Tools For Smart Feedback Collection (2024)


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