The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Walkthrough (2024)

Welcome to “The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Walkthrough,” your ultimate guide to mastering this timeless Nintendo classic! Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or new to the world of Zelda, our comprehensive walkthrough is designed to enhance your gameplay and help you conquer every obstacle. Dive in as we explore essential tips and strategies, starting with Understanding Basic Controls to make your journey seamless. Navigate the Game World like a pro, discover Key Locations and Their Challenges, and learn to Use Items and Abilities Effectively. Finally, arm yourself with foolproof Strategies for Boss Battles to ensure victory. Embark on this quest with confidence and become the hero that Hyrule needs!

Understanding Basic Controls#

When you first dive into The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, it’s essential to get a grip on the basic controls. Whether you’re a series veteran or a newcomer, mastering these controls will make your adventure through the world of Hyrule much smoother.

Moving Link#

One of the coolest features is how you use the stylus on the Nintendo DS touchscreen to move Link. Here’s how it works:

  • Tapping and Holding: Simply touch the screen and drag the stylus. Link will follow the path you draw.
  • Double Tap: If you want Link to roll, just double-tap the edge of the screen in the direction you want him to move. Perfect for dodging enemies or avoiding obstacles.

Basic Actions#

Your stylus isn’t just for moving around—it’s your main tool for interacting with the world.

  • Swinging your Sword: To attack, tap an enemy or swipe the stylus horizontally in front of Link. Link will swing his sword in that direction.
  • Using Items: Tap the item icon on the lower screen to equip it. Then, interact with the screen in specific ways. For example, to use bombs, tap where you want to place them.
  • Opening Doors and Chests: Tap on doors or chests to open them. Sometimes, if they’re locked, you’ll need a key.

Talking to Characters#

Interacting with the locals is key to understanding what’s happening in the game.

  • Tap on Characters: When you see someone you want to talk to, just tap on them. They might give hints, items, or even quests!

Navigating Your Ship#

Sailing the open seas is an essential part of Phantom Hourglass.

  • Drawing Your Route: Tap the map icon to pull up your sea chart. Draw a path from your starting point to your destination, and your ship will follow it automatically.
  • Engaging Enemies: When pirates or sea monsters attack, tap them to fire your ship’s cannon.

Menu and Maps#

Understanding the menus and maps will help you navigate your adventure better.

  • Accessing the Menu: Tap the menu icon to check your items, save your game, or view your quest log.
  • Using the Map: Tap the map icon to zoom in and out. You can even draw on the map to mark important spots or reminders.

Advanced Techniques#

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, mastering these advanced moves will make you a true hero.

  • Spin Attack: Draw a quick circle around Link to perform a powerful spin attack. It’s great for crowd control.
  • Jump Attack: Tap on an enemy while Link is moving to do a jump attack. It deals more damage than a normal hit.
  • Using the Boomerang: Once you get this item, draw a path for it on the screen. It can hit switches, grab items, or stun enemies.

Final Tips#

  • Practice Makes Perfect: Spend some time mastering these controls. They’ll become second nature soon enough.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try different swipe patterns or item uses. The game often rewards creativity.
  • Stay Patient: Some controls might feel tricky at first, but stick with it! You’re on a grand adventure, after all.

With these controls in your skill set, you’re ready to tackle anything The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass throws your way. Now, go forth and channel your inner hero!

Navigating the Game World#

Navigating the world of The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass can be both thrilling and a little tricky at times. Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know to become a master explorer in this DS classic!

Your Map is Your Best Friend#

One of the coolest things about Phantom Hourglass is how you use the DS’s touchscreen to navigate and make notes on your map. Keep an eye on your surroundings and remember to jot down important details. See an unmarked cave or a weird symbol? Mark it! This will save you time and headaches later.

### Pro Tip: You can also draw paths directly on the map to help guide you through dungeons!

Sailing the Seas#

Your main mode of transportation across the world is your trusty ship, the S.S. Linebeck. To sail, just draw a route on the sea chart and hit the seas! Be ready for some swashbuckling, though—enemy ships and sea monsters aren’t exactly rare.

#### Watch Out For:

  • Enemy Pirates: They’ll ram into you and steal your rupees. Use your ship’s cannon to fend them off.
  • Whirlpools: These can pull you off your course and even damage your ship.
  • Sea Monsters: From jellyfish to larger-than-life foes, stay alert and have your cannon ready.

Exploring Islands#

When you land on an island, it’s all about adventure! Each island has its own unique layout and secrets. Explore thoroughly and don’t be afraid to take notes. Some islands will require you to return later once you have new items or abilities to access hidden areas.

#### Key Tips:

  • Use Your Items: Many puzzles on islands can be solved using your items like the boomerang or bombs.
  • Talk to NPCs: They often have useful hints or will trigger side-quests.
  • Check Every Corner: Rupees, treasures, and Heart Containers can be found in the most unexpected places.

The Temple of the Ocean King#

This is the most challenging part of the game. The Temple of the Ocean King is a recurring dungeon you’ll visit multiple times throughout your adventure. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Time Limit: Each visit inside the temple is timed, so move quickly but carefully. The Phantom Hourglass item will show you how much time you have left.
  2. Stealth is Key: Avoid the Phantoms, the invincible guardians patrolling the temple, by sneaking around, hiding in safe zones, and using distractions.
  3. Progress Saves: As you explore the temple, look for shortcuts and save progress at special zones to make future trips easier.

### Pro Tip: Tackle the temple in chunks. You don’t always have to rush to the end in one go; use your available time to scout ahead and plan your route for your next visit.

Using the Boomerang#

One of the most versatile and fun items is the boomerang. You can draw a path for it on the screen, allowing you to hit multiple switches or enemies with a single throw. Get creative and think outside the box—sometimes the straightest path isn’t the best one!

Collecting Sea Charts and Treasures#

Sea charts will guide you to new and mysterious islands. Pay attention to any clues and markings you find; they often reveal locations of buried treasure or hidden caves. Be relentless in your search, and remember to mark your map whenever you find something significant.

Interacting with Other Characters#

Don’t rush past NPCs! Many of them hold crucial hints and sometimes even side quests that can earn you important items or upgrades. Whether it’s information about the next dungeon or the location of a hidden treasure, always lend them an ear.

Final Advice#

Exploration is the heart of Phantom Hourglass. Take your time, keep your eyes peeled for clues, and don’t be afraid to sail off the beaten path. Be patient, make use of your tools, and savor the thrill of adventure. Happy exploring, young hero!

By mastering navigation and making the most of your resources, you’ll become the ultimate explorer of the seas and islands in no time. Good luck out there!

Key Locations and Their Challenges#

Welcome, adventurers! In The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, you’ll explore various islands, temples, and seas. Each place has its own set of challenges and secrets. We’ll break down the key locations and what you need to know to conquer them.

Mercay Island#

Mercay Island is your starting point. Here, you’ll get to know Linebeck and earn your first map. You’ll also encounter the Temple of the Ocean King—a recurring dungeon you’ll revisit, each time delving deeper as you gain more abilities.


  • Navigating the Temple of the Ocean King: Time is against you, so use your time wisely. Get the Phantom Hourglass to buy more minutes.
  • Finding Oshus: He’s the key to getting the Phantom Sword, but you’ll need to prove your courage.

Isle of Ember#

Isle of Ember is where things start heating up, literally. The island is full of fiery obstacles, and you’ll need the Courage Gem to move forward.


  • Exploring Fire Caverns: Lava is everywhere—use Bombs to clear the rocks.
  • Meeting Astrid: Talk to this fortune teller to find out more about the Ghost Ship.

Molida Island#

Molida Island is a tricky place full of hidden paths. You’ll need the shovel to find some buried secrets here.


  • Digging for Secrets: Use your shovel to find the hidden Wayfarer’s hidden notebook.
  • Navigating the Fog: You’ll need precise map markings to get through the fog safely.

Cannon Island#

Cannon Island is all about combat. Here, you’ll get the cannon for your ship, making this a crucial upgrade for future sea battles.


  • Defeating Enemies: You’ll face tougher enemies. Make sure you’re stocked up on Bombs!
  • Getting the Cannon: Pay a visit to Eddo, the blacksmith, to get your ship upgraded.

Isle of Gust#

Isle of Gust brings its own twist with strong winds and enemies that hide underground.


  • Wind Obstacles: You’ll need precise timing to avoid getting blown away.
  • Cyclone Slate: Find this key item to control the island’s winds.

Goron Island#

Goron Island is volcanic and filled with mighty Gorons. Here, you’ll face both fire and strength.


  • Fire Puzzles: Many puzzles here involve fire and heavy lifting.
  • Goron Temple: The boss here requires quick reflexes and smart attacks.

Temple of Courage#

Temple of Courage tests your wit just as much as your bravery.


  • Puzzle Rooms: Make good use of switches and pressure plates to advance.
  • Defeating Bosses: Your boss fight will test your agility and puzzle-solving skills simultaneously.

Ocean King’s Temple: Deeper Levels#

As you get deeper into the Ocean King’s Temple, the challenges scale up. Your main objective is to retrieve more sea charts to unlock new areas.


  • Guard Phantoms: These guys are tough. Use stealth or special items to bypass them.
  • Time Management: Make sure you keep an eye on your remaining time by collecting Sand of Hours.

Sea Charts and Navigating the Sea#

Navigating the open sea isn’t just about getting from point A to B. Keep an eye out for enemies and island discoveries.


  • Sea Battles: You’ll encounter numerous pirate ships and monsters. Be prepared!
  • Charting New Waters: Use your maps wisely. Some paths can lead to hidden treasures or shortcuts.

In Phantom Hourglass, adventure and danger await at every corner. Be brave, strategize your moves, and make the most out of your encounters in these key locations. Happy adventuring!

Using Items and Abilities Effectively#

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass introduces a variety of items and abilities that are critical for puzzle-solving, combat, and exploration. Mastering these tools will enhance your gameplay experience and help you navigate the game’s many challenges. Let’s dive into how you can use each item and ability to its fullest potential.

The Boomerang: Curved Excellence#

The boomerang is often one of the first items you’ll get in a Zelda game, and Phantom Hourglass is no exception. What makes the boomerang special here is the touchscreen control. You can draw its flight path, allowing for some creative solutions.

  • Combat: Use the boomerang to stun enemies. Drawing a path that strikes multiple enemies in one throw can turn the tide of a battle.
  • Puzzles: It’s perfect for hitting switches that are out of direct reach. Draw precise paths to hit multiple switches in a single throw.

The Grappling Hook: Multifunctional Wonder#

The grappling hook is another versatile tool in your inventory.

  • Traversal: Use it to create tightropes between two posts. This can help Link cross gaps that are too wide for jumping.
  • Combat: Grabbing distant items or disarming enemies never gets old. You can also pull certain enemies or objects closer to you to either finish them off or solve a specific puzzle.
  • Switches and Levers: Sometimes there are unreachable switches that need pulling. Your grappling hook comes in handy here.

The Bombs: Blasting Through Barriers#

Bombs are a classic Zelda staple that are essential in both combat and puzzle-solving.

  • Combat: Drop a bomb near enemies or toss it into clusters of foes to deal heavy damage. They’re great for taking out tougher enemies.
  • Puzzles: Use bombs to blow up cracked walls or boulders blocking your path. The sound and visual cues (cracks in walls or ground) are your best hint here.

The Bow: Precision and Power#

Your bow is great for hitting distant targets with precision.

  • Combat: Sniping enemies from a distance can keep you safe while dealing damage. Headshots deal extra damage to many enemies.
  • Puzzles: Use arrows to trigger switches from afar, especially those that need to be hit from a specific angle.

The Hammer: Extra Force#

The hammer, while a bit slower, is incredibly powerful both in combat and puzzle mechanics.

  • Combat: Its strong, area-of-effect attack can stun or even one-shot some smaller enemies.
  • Puzzles: Use it to pound stakes into the ground or reveal hidden pathways by smashing cracked floors.

Navigating Abilities: Using the DS Stylus#

Unlike other Zelda games, Phantom Hourglass relies heavily on the DS stylus for movement and actions.

  • Movement: Tap where you want Link to go. It’s precise and allows for quick changes in direction.
  • Item Usage: Most items use straightforward drag-and-drop mechanics. For example, draw paths for the boomerang or bombs and point-to-point for the grappling hook. Mastering this will give you a significant advantage, especially in tricky timed puzzles.

Tips for Effective Usage#

  1. Practice Drawing Paths: For items like the boomerang and grappling hook, practice drawing smooth and precise paths. This will make puzzle-solving faster and more efficient.
  2. Time Your Actions: In both combat and puzzle sections, timing is everything. Learn enemy patterns and how long certain actions take, like bomb fuses or the path of the boomerang.
  3. Explore Thoroughly: Sometimes, hidden switches and paths require a bit of creativity and thorough exploration. Don’t rush through rooms; take your time to look for hidden hints or breakable walls.

Mastering these items and abilities will make your adventure through The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass much smoother and more enjoyable. Remember to experiment with different techniques and approaches; there’s often more than one way to solve a puzzle or defeat an enemy. Happy adventuring!

Strategies for Boss Battles#

Facing off against bosses in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass can be daunting. Each one is unique and requires a bit of strategizing to defeat. This guide will break down some helpful tactics and tips to make these big battles more manageable.

Blaaz – The Twirling Flame#

Blaaz, the fiery demon, is notorious for splitting into three smaller versions of himself. Each one has a unique pattern, making it harder to track the real Blaaz. Here’s how to handle him:

  • Identify the True Form: Look closely at the smaller versions. Two of them will spin at the start; the one that doesn’t spin is Blaaz’s true form.
  • Use Your Boomerang: Draw a path with your Boomerang to hit all three forms. Once you have all three in one place, they’ll combine back into Blaaz.
  • Attack the Recombined Blaaz: After combining, Blaaz will be vulnerable. Swing your sword at him until he splits again. Repeat the process until he’s defeated.

Cyclok – The Windfish’s Tormentor#

Cyclok flies around and sends out damaging cyclones. Your task is to bring him down to ground level before you can land any hits.

  • Avoid Cyclones: Keep moving to avoid getting hit by the cyclones Cyclok sends.
  • Hit with the Boomerang: Draw a path with the Boomerang to hit Cyclok when he’s close enough. This will knock him down temporarily.
  • Sword Slashes: While Cyclok is on the ground, get in close and slash him with your sword. You’ll need to do this several times to defeat him.

Crayk – The Illusory Marvel#

Crayk plays mind games by making himself invisible. You’ll need to rely on the top screen of your DS to track his movements.

  • Watch the Top Screen: The top screen shows Crayk’s perspective, giving away his position. Look for his view to understand where he is in the arena.
  • Dodging and Rolling: Avoid his charges by rolling out of the way. Timing is critical here.
  • Stun and Slash: When Crayk charges and you dodge, he’ll crash into the wall, making him visible and stunned for a short while. Use this chance to run in and slash him.

Eox – The Ancient Stone Soldier#

This colossal boss requires you to use both your hammer and arrows to bring him down.

  • Use Bombchu: Start by sending Bombchu up to hit the switches on Eox’s back. This reveals the weak points.
  • Stunning him: Once on the ground, switch to arrows and target the glowing weak points exposed by the switches.
  • Finish him Off: After enough damage, Eox will crumble but then reassemble. Use your hammer to hit the tower he becomes, and it will entirely break apart eventually.

Bellum, Phase 1 – The Tentacled Menace#

Bellum is the ultimate boss and has multiple phases. Knowing how to manage each one is key.

  • Avoid Tentacles: Bellum will frequently use its tentacles to attack. Watch their patterns and dodge accordingly.
  • Stun with Boomerang: Use your Boomerang to hit the tentacles. This will paralyze them temporarily.
  • Target Eyes: After stunning the tentacles, target the eyes on the tentacles with your sword. Once they are all hit, Bellum’s main body becomes vulnerable.
  • Hit Bellum: Go all out with your sword when Bellum is vulnerable. Repeat dodging and attacking tentacles until Bellum changes tactics.

Bellum, Phase 2 – Possessed Ghost Ship#

  • Utilize the Phantom Hourglass: During this phase, use the Phantom Hourglass to stop time.
  • Focus on Eyes: Hit the eyes on Bellum’s body again, now on Phantom Sword’s hilt.
  • Quick Time Events: Pay attention to the prompts for quick time events and respond quickly to cause more damage.

General Tips for Boss Battles#

  • Stock Up: Ensure you have a full stock of potions, bombs, arrows, and any other items you might need before any boss battle.
  • Study Patterns: Bosses have specific attack patterns. Watching and learning these can make dodging and counter-attacking much easier.
  • Timing is Key: Many bosses have short vulnerability windows. Make sure you time your attacks well to maximize damage.
  • Stay Calm: Boss battles can be stressful, but staying calm helps keep your movements and attacks precise.

By employing these strategies, you’ll stand a much better chance of overcoming the challenges posed by each unique boss in The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. Happy adventuring!

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Walkthrough (2024)


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